The African Museum has been re-opened on May 2006, after a few years of closure for restructuring. The Museum has a two fold goals: at ethnographic level, to help people and visitors of all ages, cultures and paths of life to know better and to appreciate Africa and its cultural richness; at didactic level as a mean to offer students and their teachers the occasion to increase their knowledge about Africa in its geographical, historical and cultural aspects. Students - at the same time - will also have the chance to take active part in didactic laboratories connected with the permanent exhibition of the Museum.
Considering the great value given to the sacredness of life all over Africa, we chose to arrange the Museum following the description of the "cycle of life". The first aspect underlined by the Museum is the importance of fertility and motherhood in Africa, the journey then proceeds describing the different stages through which each person goes: infancy, childhood, education, initiation, marriage, family life, work, adulthood and authority, old age, death and the other world. The ‘cycle of life’ is portrayed through artefacts (sculptures, masks, musical instruments ….) and every day tools used mostly in traditional African settings. Finally the Museum includes a "multipurpose hall" where temporary exhibitions on different topics are organized.

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Il Ma - Museo africano, nell'esposizione di oggetti artistici dell'Africa tradizionale, intende trasmettere valori culturali ed esistenziali di natura universale, sottolineando l'importanza di guardare e ascoltare per imparare; ponendosi verso altre culture, in particolare quelle africane, in una relazione priva di pregiudizi. Offre in tal modo uno stimolo a saper rispondere alle nuove realtà interculturali e interetniche che caratterizzano oggi la società italiana.
"La vita in Africa" è narrata da sculture, manufatti, suppellettili, indumenti, attrezzi da lavoro, strumenti musicali e tanto altro, attraverso la ricostruzione delle tappe fondamentali dell’esistenza dalla nascita alla morte. Le popolazioni africane sottolineano con celebrazioni speciali le diverse fasi della vita umana con riti di passaggio e con rappresentazioni simboliche e festeggiamenti, che variano da un gruppo etnico all’altro, raffigurati in oggetti artigianali e artistici. 

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